A Simple Prayer


O sovereign Lord, from the lifespan of microorganisms to the organization of historic events, you are in control of everything. And your purposes, though opaque to my human eyes, obey your infinite wisdom. When I consider my life span and the problems in light of your person and work, I realize how insignificant I am, yet you care for me.  You choose to personally intervene in my life, sometimes with guidance,  sometimes with healing, sometimes with peace, sometimes in overt power, and sometimes in suffering and change. Yet through it all you make yourself known to a blind and deaf world, beginning with me. Rescue me today from my stress and the impossible circumstances I face. Teach me to be a good witness for you. For this life is not about me, but I have to live it. Give me what I need today and erase my fears. Your word says you have given me a spirit of love, and power, and self-discipline, not fear. Let me live this truth in faith today. Glorify your name through my struggles. In Christ’s name, Amen.

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